Cake Baking Do's And Dont's

Cake is a sweet food made from a mixture of egg, flour ,sugar and other ingredients. Cake is usually served at different occasions mostly birthday party, wedding, graduation, baby shower and other joyful gatherings.

        Cake baking is beyond just mixing your ingredients in any proportion and putting it straight into the oven to bake.
   Below are few precautions (Do's and Dont's) to be kept in place for a well finished and perfectly baked cake.

 Preheating your oven is one of  the most crucial parts of cake baking because a badly preheated oven i.e. too low or too high oven temperature results in a badly baked cake e.g cake sinks at the middle.
      There are different types of oven to choose from ranging from local to electric oven. The local oven uses charcoal and   or cooking gas as means of heat supply to the baked goods while the electric oven uses electricity.

    Electrical ovens usually need to be preheated for 10-15minutes before they reach the optimal temperature for baking.
    The local oven that uses gas need to be preheated for 5-10minutes because gas emits more fumes than electric ovens and hence heat up the oven quicker than electric oven did and the charcoal version preheated for 10-15minutes depending on the quality and quantity of charcoal used.

     Dry ingredients include flour,Baking powder. This ingredients should be sifted using a sieve to provide airiness and remove lumps.

      This is usually uncommon but advisable. Oven lagging simply means covering your oven and this helps to prevent heat loss through radiation.

  Your oven rack should be placed at the middle when baking cake. Your oven rack should be balanced as well to prevent your cake from tilting to a side.

Check your cake for doneness at least 25-30 minutes later, opening your oven door frequently before this time might make your cake sinks.

You may need to turn your cake to the other side if not thoroughly done on the other side especially when using the local oven. But care must be taken to prevent your cake from tearing.

      You may not need to turn your cake if properly baked and this can be checked using a thin skewer or toothpick if either of the two came out Clean without any streaks of batter, then your cake is done.
     The middle of the cake should feel springy and pillowy if you gently press your finger against it. Your cake is done when the sides pull away from the baking pan.

Photo credit:RVnyc


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